A hypothesis that I’d like to investigate is that subjective experiences arise as a consequence of state changes in an algorithm. I provisionally call such state changes information differentials.
About consciousness
There are as many theories about consciousness as there are definitions and the philosophical and scientific community is still far from consensus. This post represents my current understanding.
Emergent properties misunderstood
Most systems have the properties they have because they were designed that way, either by humans or by nature, not because they “emerged”.
Quality and free energy
On Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, ISO 9000, quality, and the free energy principle.
To boldly go where no man has gone before
Eagleworks Labs giving a vision of the future. Set the throttle at warp 10 – next stop Alpha Centauri!
How can we save the elves?
Having read Sam Harris book Free Will I feel like returning just a little bit to that very topic. I wrote a few posts about it back in 2008, posts that go along the same lines as Mr. Harris. Seems like I wasn’t alone holding those particular views but as Continue Reading
In tune with the theories or in tune with the times?
It is not enough to be in tune with the theories; you also need to be in tune with the times to create great products. Too much theory may even dull your creativity and not leave much time to feel the vibes of the world (i.e., the market).
The blind watchmaker and the blind hen
10^500 ways to configure the universe.
What’s the fuss anyway?
Do we need to be morally accountable for our actions for the society and the judicial system to function?
Repent! The singularity is near (or maybe not)
Comments on the June 2008 issue of IEEE Spectrum about the SIngularity.